
Agency Marketing: Should Your Agency Start a Blog?

Agent marketing

Many websites incorporate a blog where visitors can learn more and see what’s going on with the company. But should you start a blog for your agency’s website? Read on to learn these blogging basics to help you determine your agency marketing strategy around blogs.                        

What is a Blog?

A blog is an ongoing collection of posts written in an informal style and updated regularly by an individual or group of people. Similar to other marketing and social media strategies, blogs can support goals such as building your brand, generating leads and sales, or creating ad revenue. Unlike other social media sites, a blog is something you create on your own and is not part of a broader site like Facebook or Twitter.

The purpose of blogging is to educate or entertain your audience on a certain subject. The target audience of your blog posts will be your current customers, as well as prospects, local businesses, and individuals in your community.

Anyone can be a blogger – including agents and brokers!

Why Should Your Agency Blog?

Blogs have become trusted sources of social media, and they play an integral role in many consumers’ purchase decisions. Because consumers are looking to blogs to learn more about products and find answers to their questions, blogging is something your agency should be doing as part of your agency marketing strategy. Though blogging requires a commitment and fine attention to detail, it can yield significant benefits for your business.

Benefits of Blogging

If you’re still not sure if blogging is worth your time, consider that posting unique and fresh content on a regular basis to your website can help you achieve the following:

  • Establish your brand and differentiate yourself from competitors.
  • Connect with your community.
  • Create a personal connection with current and prospective clients.
  • Reach a wider audience.
  • Drive more traffic to your website.

Generally, you will not experience these benefits after only writing and publishing two posts. It takes a least a once-a-week commitment, following all of the best practices, for you to see significant results. For that reason, we recommend that your agency blogs at least once per week. The more you blog, the more of these benefits you will see. In fact, businesses that blog 20 times per month often see as much as five times more traffic than those that do not blog.

Blogging and SEO

Blogging can also be a major influence on your website’s SEO. Specifically, blogging can create the following results:

  • Increased indexing by search engines like Google
  • Improved site credibility
  • Boosted website traffic
  • Increased number of social signals sent to search engines, which can help overall SEO goals

In Summary

Now that you know what a blog is and why your agency should be blogging, it’s time to come up with a blogging strategy. Start by brainstorming blog topics and creating an editorial calendar. Watch for more insurance marketing tips from Coterie Insurance.

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