How Do Small Business Insurance Services Work? 

Insurance is a method of sharing risk, in which each member of a group pays a small amount of money each month or year in return for protection from larger and unexpected financial perils.   But how do small business insurance and in turn, business insurance services work?  Small business insurance services are similar to other […]

4 Insurance FAQs for Freelancers in 2023 

While being your own boss can be freeing, there are also plenty of challenges. As a freelancer, you must manage and maintain every aspect of your business, including insurance and financials. Business Insurance can be complicated, so we recommend working with an agent and educating yourself with these FAQs for freelancers.  Do I need business […]

When to Consider Damage to Premises Rented to You 

If you rent the space in which you conduct your business, you’ll likely want to consider damage to premises rented to you coverage. This coverage protects the rented space in the case of a covered incident.   What is damage to premises rented to you and what does it cover?  Typically found in general liability policies, […]

Construction Insurance: Why It’s Important for Your Business

As you may already know, running a construction business can be extremely lucrative, but there are risks that come with this type of business. Construction contractors are prone to experiencing accidents on the job in ways that other occupations do not. If you’re serious about running your own construction company, it’s important that you understand […]

Do You Need LLC Business Insurance? Yes, And Here’s Why!  

If you run an LLC (Limited Liability Company), you may be wondering if you need LLC business insurance. The answer is yes! If you run a business of any kind – including an LLC – business insurance is the best way to protect yourself from liability as your business grows.  Learn more about why LLC […]

Mitigation Tips: Protecting Commercial Property from Hail

Hailstorms can be swift and destructive, damaging buildings, outdoor equipment, and vehicles in a matter of minutes. For commercial property owners, such damage can result in destroyed property, costly repairs, business disruptions, and lost revenue. Learn more about protecting commercial property including the risk hail poses and preventive measures to protect buildings from hail damage.   […]

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