
Coterie Now Offers Hired Auto and Non-Owned Auto Liability Coverage

Business General Liability Insurance

By popular request, we’re thrilled to deliver hired and non-owned auto liability as an optional coverage. Read on to learn more about what this additional endorsement will cover and why you might want to add it to your next small General Liability or Small Business Insurance Policy. 

What is hired and non-owned auto liability coverage and why would a small business need it? 

Hired and non-owned auto liability coverage is available as an endorsement for our Business Owners Policies and General Liability policies. If your small business client has employees occasionally using their personal vehicles for business use, this endorsement will provide coverage for the named insured against lawsuits that might arise from that use. Please note, this is only for occasional use and not for regular use of a vehicle for business purposes. 

Can you provide an example? 

Consider an office administrative assistant going to pick up lunch for a business meeting. The admin drives his own car, and while on the way, looks away from his phone and rear-ends another vehicle at a stop sign.  If hired and non-owned auto liability coverage is included in the company’s BOP, the injury or damage to the other party or his property caused by this accident will be covered through this endorsement. 

How can I add this endorsement?

We offer this coverage nationally.*  When you’re quoting a policy where this coverage is available to add as an endorsement, you’ll see this appear on the Add-Ons / Endorsements tab of the application as well as the Summary / Ready to Bind screen.

The next time you’re quoting a BOP for a small business or general liability policy, consider if hired and non-owned auto liability coverage is needed. You might just save your insured a huge headache by adding it. 

*This coverage is not available in IL, LA, MA, MT, and VT. 

Bottom line, we’re listening to your requests and are here to help provide you with the coverages you ended to properly cover your small business clients. Whether it’s a request for business general liability insurance or the best business owners policy endorsements, we want to hear from you. 

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