
Digital Transformation is More than a Buzzword 

digital transformation

In this episode of the “And I Quote” podcast, Coterie’s Chief Growth Officer Bobbie Collies interviews Ema Roloff, a digital transformation influencer. Ema creates LinkedIn, YouTube, and TikTok content focused on digital transformation in the insurance industry. 

Tik Tok Truths 

Ema uses TikTok as a platform to educate her audience about insurance and digital transformation. Ema was initially reluctant to use TikTok and considered it a platform primarily used by a younger demographic. However, after speaking with a colleague who was hooked on the platform after downloading it to see what his college-aged daughters were up to, Ema realized that there might be a whole audience of insurance industry professionals consuming TikTok content. 

“Over the course of time, what I have recognized is that I get a different type of engagement on Tik Tok than I do on LinkedIn, “said Ema. “I think the content hits and resonates differently on Tik Tok because it’s not tied to people’s direct company persona or their position at work.” 

Video Content is Key 

Ema created her first video and posted it on LinkedIn, receiving a lot of traction and taking off substantially. She admits that the first video was outside of her comfort zone, but the reception was so good that she continued to play around with the platform. She uses humor and entertainment to start conversations and get people excited about transforming the way they work in the insurance industry. 

Digital transformation 

Digital transformation is a buzzword that is often thrown around in the business world, but what does it actually mean? In simple terms, it refers to the process of using technology to improve and optimize business processes. While it may sound easy in theory, the reality of implementing digital transformation can be challenging. 

Ema’s work in the P&C space and her digital transformation content provides a fresh perspective on an industry that is often seen as serious and boring. Her use of TikTok as a platform shows that even platforms thought to be exclusively for a younger demographic can be used to educate and engage with a wide audience. Ema’s work is an inspiration to all industry professionals to embrace new technologies and platforms to reach wider audiences and change industry perceptions. 

The first and most crucial element of a successful digital transformation is having a clear vision. It’s important to understand why you’re implementing new technology, and how it will benefit your company. This vision needs to be communicated from the executive level down to every employee in the company, so everyone is working towards the same goal. Leaders in each area of the business need to be able to take that vision and help each person on their team understand what’s in it for them. This ensures that everyone is aligned and moving in the same direction, towards the common goal. 

The second element is effective communication. A lack of communication is a common pitfall in digital transformations. To avoid this, it’s important to have the right people in the room to help solve problems and make decisions. However, it’s also important to keep everyone else informed, even if they’re not directly involved in the decision-making process. Lunch and learns or newsletters are effective ways to communicate updates and progress to the entire team. This keeps everyone informed and engaged, so they don’t feel blindsided by sudden changes or updates. 

The final element of a successful digital transformation is celebrating progress. It’s important to recognize and celebrate the small wins along the way, as implementing new technology can be a long and challenging process. Celebrating progress keeps employees motivated and engaged, and it helps them feel included in the process. Small gestures such as shout-outs, recognition, and appreciation can go a long way in keeping the team motivated and on track. 

Implementing new systems 

Ema shared how she implemented a new policy administration system, which can be a long and arduous process for any organization. It requires a significant amount of effort, resources, and time to get things done right. But more importantly, it also requires a lot of communication and recognition along the way to keep your team motivated and engaged. 

Digital transformation can be a daunting process, but by having a clear vision, effective communication, and celebrating progress, it can be a successful and rewarding experience. Keep your team informed, celebrate progress, and don’t forget to recognize the hard work of your team members.   

By ensuring everyone is aligned and working towards the same goal, keeping the team informed, and celebrating progress along the way, you can create a culture of innovation and collaboration that will help your company thrive in the digital age. Follow Ema for more tips and resources and go deeper by listening to the full podcast episode here

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