
How Insurance Agencies Can Operate More Profitably Using Coterie Insurance 

insurance agencies

Our mission at Coterie is to improve the insurance value chain by making buying small commercial insurance fast and transparent. In this segment of the marketplace, independent agents like you are not always compensated for the value and time you invest to properly serve your small business clients. 

Lengthy underwriting processes, response delays, back and Forths, following up with carriers, paperwork, asking the client more questions are just a few headaches.

Once the policy is bound, the resources and time to request endorsements and certificates of insurance compound the program. 

For more personal focused agencies, a lucrative personal lines client may own a company but insuring it is often more of an accommodation than anything. For many large agencies, they do not have the operational resources and prefer not to be bothered by small business insurance. 

Ultimately the carrier’s lack of information and use of antiquated technology systems creates a void felt by the small business owners. 

Coterie Insurance has set out to change that. According to the SBA in 2020, 89% of all businesses in the US employ less than 20 employees. That is approximately 25 million businesses. And 24% of those businesses are home-based. Adding to that, a 2020 Verisk study reported that 43% of companies have fewer than 100 employees and 60% of home-based businesses are uninsured.  

This is who Coterie Insurance is building for. Coterie Insurance is enabling small businesses to procure critical business insurance and incentivizing professional insurance agents to do so. 

We do this by removing friction from the underwriting placement and servicing processes by using customer data already available to us. Our broad appetite acceptability covers more than 80% of sole proprietor industries. We provide immediate declinations when a risk is outside of appetite. 

For those in appetite, within 4 minutes from quote-start to quote bind, you can service that customer. Through simple ISO forms plus blanket additional insured and waiver of subrogation capability, and our Quick Quote feature, we give the power to take direct and captive players head-on. 

We have a dedicated claims team ready to advocate for fast and personalized attention and Coterie Insurance team members are available through chat, email, or phone for any policy-serving needs. 

Coterie insurance is the solution for growing small commercial insurance with insurance agencies. Learn more today.

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At Coterie, we are putting relationships at the forefront of small business insurance.

If you have any questions, Contact Us Today!