
What You Need to Know About Insurance for Massage and Occupational Therapy Businesses 

What You Need to Know About Insurance for Massage and Occupational Therapy Businesses

If you’re an insurance agent looking to service healthcare provider clients such as massage and occupational therapists, it’s essential to understand the unique risks and exposures associated with this type of business. Massage therapy is a growing industry that helps individuals alleviate pain and stress, making it a crucial service for many people. However, as with any healthcare-related service, there are risks involved that need to be addressed with the proper commercial insurance coverage. 

The first step in servicing insurance for massage and occupational therapy businesses is to understand the nature of their operations. Massage therapy involves applying pressure to the muscles or connective tissues using various techniques to alleviate pain, stress, and promote healing. These services can be provided at the therapist’s premises, at a spa, at the workplace, or even in the client’s home. The therapists may be certified by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork, and some may receive formal training, while others serve an apprenticeship to learn the various techniques. 

When evaluating the risks associated with massage therapy and healthcare providers, it’s essential to consider the different insurance coverages that are available. Property exposures are typically low because there is minimal equipment at the therapist’s premises, and business income and extra expense exposure is very low as operations can be quickly resumed at an alternate location. However, crime exposure can be an issue, and all ordering, billing, and disbursement must be handled by separate individuals with constant monitoring. 

Insurance for Massage and Occupational Therapy: Exposures and Considerations  

Inland marine exposures include accounts receivable if the therapist bills clients for services, computers, property in transit, and off-premises if the therapist goes to the client’s premises to perform services, and valuable papers and records for client records. All records and programs should be duplicated, and the duplicates kept offsite. 

Premises liability exposures are typically low, but it’s essential to ensure that client areas are neat, clean, orderly, and properly maintained, and parking lots are maintained free of ice and snow. Products liability exposures do not exist if the therapist does not sell any products. However, if healthcare-related devices such as braces, canes, or similar equipment are sold, there is a significant exposure. A more typical product exposure involves the selling of oils or other products for clients to use between treatments. 

Professional liability can be high due to the manipulation of clients’ muscles and connective tissues, and the sanitary condition of the therapist’s premises and equipment is a primary concern. Clients may be exposed to bloodborne pathogens, such as hepatitis, HIV, and AIDS, and inappropriate touching and sexual misconduct must also be considered. Background checks should be conducted before hiring any employee. Coterie Insurance offers professional liability coverage for massage therapists and occupational therapists. 

When evaluating insurance coverage for massage therapy and healthcare providers, it’s essential to consider the minimum recommended coverage and other coverages to consider. The minimum recommended coverage includes business personal property, employee dishonesty, accounts receivable, valuable papers and records, general liability professional, umbrella, hired and non-owned auto, and workers’ compensation. 

Go Deeper with Coterie

Coterie Insurance understands the unique risks and challenges that come with writing coverage for healthcare providers like massage therapists and occupational therapists. We’re dedicated to offering tailored insurance solutions that protect your clients and their businesses, so you can focus on providing the best possible service. Contact us today to learn more about our insurance offerings for healthcare providers and how we can help you offer the coverage your clients need. 

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