
Social Media Tips for Insurance Agents: The Basics

social media tips for insurance agents

There are many benefits for insurance agents to get on social media. Coterie Insurance is here to explain the tangible benefits of agents and brokers staying active on social media platforms. Follow these quick social media tips and download your free content calendar to share a few tips.

Does social media seem like a waste of time? The stress and lack of knowing what to do can cause you to stop before you even start. It may just seem like another task on your to-do list, but social media is a valuable way to help get your message across and reach new audiences.  
Social media doesn’t have to be intimidating. We’ve created easy ideas to help business owners like you find time in their schedules to use social media without hiring outside agencies. Find this content calendar in Coterie Insurance’s private Facebook group.  Simply request to join, and we’ll get you in!

If you are ready to dip your toe into social media and grow your audience, consider these three tips: 

1. Brand awareness: talk about your business, so you can build a brand online to help reach new audiences. Ideas for posts that highlight your business include sharing a positive review from a client, highlighting an award you won, or sharing that you will be attending a local event. Make it topical, highlight your local community and speak conversationally.

2. Engagement: engage with current clients and prospects. Like, follow, comment, share and tag your clients (or prospects) and their businesses on social media. Being an active fan and supporter is a great touchpoint that will keep you top of mind.  

3. Be relatable and transparent: By being active on social media you can create a transparent and relatable persona for your business that gives your audience a new way to connect with you. Not only that, but your posts will be seen, putting your brand’s name in your clients and potential clients.

 How can you fit social media into your day-to-day?  

Are you a one-person team or do you have other agents, receptionists, or customer service reps (CSRs)?  
If you are a one-person team that wants to start using social media for business, you can do it! If you have a team, poll your team to see if anyone would be interested in taking on the business’s social media channels. Taking on new projects can be very motivational for team members that want to learn new things and explore other areas of business.  

Start today!  

Share a picture of yourself, your team, and/or your office. For your caption, include who you are, how long you have been in business, what you specialize in and how you can help clients.
When sharing on Instagram or Twitter, add a hashtag. You can even tag Coterie Insurance in the photo and we will share it on our pages, too. (Remember, engaging your community and industry is beneficial for your reach). 

As you create your personalized social media plan, follow these guidelines:

 1. Make sure you are committed to staying active and consistent. Being active does not mean you have to post every day but set a goal of posting three times a week, and then try to stick to that goal weekly.

 2. Follow the 80 / 20 rule: Promote your business 20% of the time on social media, and 80% of the time, share educational pieces, blog posts, client success stories or even memes.  

3. Create a plan or content calendar ahead of time. You do not want to be stuck thinking about what to post every day so work ahead. Think about special days like National Pizza Day and use them to your advantage.

4. Use diverse types of content. Post a video one day, a photo the next, and think about sharing articles or stats from third parties. Keep up a good content mix to keep your audience engaged.

Join Coterie Insurance’s private Facebook Group to download our free content calendar plan. 

More social media tips for insurance agents

Looking for blog posts you can share with your audience on social media? Here are a few that would be great to share with your small business clients:
1. What is General Liability Insurance? 
2. What is Professional Liability Insurance? 
3. What is a Business Owners Policy? 

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