Embracing Technology: How Coterie Insurance and London Underwriters Simplify Small Commercial Insurance In the fast-paced world of insurance, technology is reshaping the landscape, making processes more efficient and accessible. In a recent episode of the “And I Quote” podcast, guest host Christine Morrison spoke with Dan Feigenbaum, CEO of London Underwriters, about the transformative impact of […]
After the Storm: Hurricane Recovery Tips
Recovering a commercial business in the aftermath of a hurricane is no question a challenge. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), more than 40% of businesses don’t reopen after a disaster. With an unprecedented 2024 hurricane season underway, here are a few tips to increase the likelihood that you or your clients’ businesses […]
5 Essential Spring Weather Safety Tips for Small Businesses
As an insurance agent or broker, you play a critical role in helping your small business clients prepare for the risks associated with extreme spring weather. In this article, we’ll provide spring weather safety tips to help your small business clients prepare for and minimize the risks associated with extreme weather. It’s important to start by […]
Business Insurance Claims Obligations for Small Business Owners
Running a small business involves a variety of decisions – from inventory management and interior design choices to hiring considerations and bidding strategies. Amidst these daily choices, there’s one critical area that should not be overlooked: understanding your insurance obligations. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting, being aware of the impact that your […]
Stay Ahead of the Freeze: 6 Ways to Winterize Your Small Business Now
Winter may bring a busy holiday shopping season for many small businesses but it can also bring extreme temperatures. That’s why preparation for this brutal season that can quickly cause long-term and expensive damage to your business property can never start early enough. In this blog post, we’re going to share 6 ways you can winterize your small […]
Professional Liability Insurance Explained
Are you a consultant trying to figure out if you need professional liability insurance? If so, you’re not alone. It’s not always easy to determine what insurance type will cover what risks. Professional liability insurance covers liability for damages arising from the rendering of or failure to render professional services. Professional liability insurance allows you to […]
Get to Know Your Business Insurance Certificate
As a freelancer, you probably get asked for a Certificate of Insurance all the time. But you’re likely wondering, “what is a business insurance certificate and why do I need it?” This article will tell you everything you need to know about Certificates of Insurance. What is a business insurance certificate? A Certificate of Insurance […]
What is Coinsurance and how does it affect my business property insurance?
If you’ve ever purchased a homeowners policy or commercial property policy, then you’ve likely had a policy that contained a coinsurance clause. But what exactly is “coinsurance” and how does it affect you? You likely already know that Business property insurance helps your business bounce back from disaster after a covered event, but it’s only […]
Grow Your Business with a Small Business Operating Framework
If you’re like most small business owners, not long after opening, you find yourself in the trenches working in the business. The nitty gritty day-to-day details, the tasks, the to-dos, the checklists. The never-ending fires you need to put out. Now much of this is particularly important work and it’s necessary and not to be […]
How Do Small Business Insurance Services Work?
Insurance is a method of sharing risk, in which each member of a group pays a small amount of money each month or year in return for protection from larger and unexpected financial perils. But how do small business insurance and in turn, business insurance services work? Small business insurance services are similar to other […]
Insurance 101: Understand Insurance for Small Businesses
Here at Coterie, we like to consider ourselves “insurance nerds”. In this blog, we dive into the basic concepts and history of insurance, with a focus on insurance for small businesses. Understanding how insurance works is crucial to making sure you can explain the ins and outs to your clients and prospects. A Brief History […]
4 Insurance FAQs for Freelancers in 2023
While being your own boss can be freeing, there are also plenty of challenges. As a freelancer, you must manage and maintain every aspect of your business, including insurance and financials. Business Insurance can be complicated, so we recommend working with an agent and educating yourself with these FAQs for freelancers. Do I need business […]