
What Are The Most Common Types Of Workplace Violence?

What Are The Most Common Types Of Workplace Violence?

Workplace violence can occur in various ways. Understanding the different types can help you identify your client’s unique risks and determine the type of protection and coverage that they need. We know that workplace violence occurs, but what are the most common types of Workplace Violence?   

1. Lateral Violence 

Lateral violence is when an incident occurs between workers. Typically, these types of negative interactions have work-related motives or stem from interpersonal issues between employees. Generally, many incidents under the lateral violence umbrella can be considered workplace harassment and bullying. However, Lateral workplace violence can be reduced by properly training employees and establishing systems to report incidents and protect affected employees.  

2. Client-Worker 

Another common type of workplace violence is Client-Worker. As to be assumed by the name, this kind is when an incident occurs between an employee and their client resulting in assault and serious bodily injury. Typically, these types of assault are most common in healthcare settings.  

Certain industries are more susceptible to workplace violence. Healthcare and social services are the most likely industries to experience workplace violence. Usually, these industries deal with high stress scenarios and individuals in crisis. As a result, employees in these industries are more likely to experience violence and assault.  

3. Domestic Violence  

Domestic Violence is a type of workplace violence that occurs between an employee and someone they have a personal relationship with. For domestic violence to be considered workplace violence, it must occur at that work site. This can happen when assault or violence that is happening at home carries over and an employee is then injured at their place of work. Policies can be put in place to protect the company from damage that occurs during this type of incident.  

4. Criminal Intent  

Workplace violence is classified as criminal intent when the primary motive is theft. In most cases with criminal intent the business and employees have no prior relationship with the criminal. This type of workplace violence is the most common cause of workplace related homicides and violence. According to the National Crime Victimization Survey, robbery accounts for 85% of workplace related deaths. This type of violence includes physical assault, being held at gunpoint, physical threats, and more. 

Workplace violence can occur in numerous different ways resulting in a variety of different types of damage and losses. Basic insurance policies may be lacking in the type of coverage provided. Ensure you’re offering your clients coverage that protects their business and employees from the type of violence that they’re most likely to experience. 

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