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From Blowing Out to Bailing Out: Coterie Has You Covered (At Every Stage) 

Let’s face it, there is another “Coterie” out there. You might have been searching for leak-proof protection for your little one, but welcome – stumbled upon us – Coterie Insurance!  

We won’t judge (we all have our late-night Google searches!), but at Coterie Insurance, we can help with a different kind of leak: the financial kind that can come with the risk of running a business. 

From Diapers to Deals

Coterie Insurance Equips Agents to Champion Small Business Success

Here’s the breakdown: 

Coterie (diapers): Keeps your baby comfortable and dry.

Coterie (insurance): Keeps small businesses protected from unexpected spills and risks – like lawsuits, property damage, and more.

Coterie Insurance

Both Coteries offer:

Peace of mind: Knowing you’re covered allows you to focus on what matters most – your business (or your baby!).

Commitment to care: Both Coterie and Coterie Insurance prioritize providing exceptional care, in different ways but with the same dedication.

Dedicated to making life easier: Whether it’s keeping your baby comfortable or your business secure, both Coterie companies aim to make life a little less stressful.

But here’s where we differ:

Target audience: Coterie caters to adorable babies, while Coterie Insurance empowers our agents & partners to better serve their small business customers.

The “mess”: Coterie diapers handle leaks from the tiniest humans. We, on the other hand, deal with the financial messes that can arise when the unexpected happens to a small business.

Coterie vs. Coterie Insurance

Agents & Brokers

Let's Work Together

Small Businesses

Policyholder Help Center

At Coterie, we are putting relationships at the forefront of small business insurance.

If you have any questions, Contact Us Today!