
Hear How Go Fund Your Life Agency Owner Drives Growth Through Impact 

Agents' online reputations

Tears, prayers, celebrations—insurance agents see and hear it all. 

This week on “And I Quote,” Nicole Simpson shares the strategies and steps she took to pour everything she’d seen and heard as an agent into her dream of coaching people in urban communities about financial safety and the importance of insurance. In 2016, Nicole founded Go Fund Your Life, a successful insurance agency that specializes in meeting the needs of small and micro businesses in Columbus, Ohio. 

Among the many growth strategies Nicole shares is her cornerstone philosophy: “Lead with a teaching opportunity.” This can be through informal conversations, teaching classes, scheduling Facebook Live episodes, attending events, or reaching out through social media. 

“The key to social media is consistency, showing up when your followers are naturally online,” Nicole said. “It can take a little time for your posts to gain traction.” 

Her desire to build community is evident in both her agency and her network. Throughout her career, Nicole has built relationships with community members, bankers, the Small Business Association, the community college, incubator groups, and more: “They all end of being part of that network,” she said. 

Nicole’s mission for Go Fund Your Life is to tailor her outreach to her community, serving both as an insurance agent and philanthropic advisor. Aiding this mission is Nicole’s deep experience in succession planning. 

“I’m a fortune teller,” she said. “I know what the end game looks like.” 

Learn more about the advice Nicole offers agents—and what she would tell her younger self about her entrepreneurial dreams—in this week’s episode of “And I Quote,” hosted by Ann Boger, VP of Scaling at Coterie Insurance. 

“And I Quote” is a weekly podcast that offers key insights to grow small business and build relationships among agents, brokers, small business owners, and industry leaders. 

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