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David McFarland on CEO Series
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Born In Silicon Valley by Match Relevant with David McFarland
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Insurance Coffee House with Blair Kamrass
Coterie’s VP of People Blair Kamrass recently joined Insurance Coffee House. Listen now.
AI in the City with Paul Bessier and Lisa Wardlaw
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Afidence IT trends
Coterie’s VP of Security and CISCO Emily Morgan was recently on the IT Trends with IT People podcast. Take a listen.
We Are InsurTech Women.
Coterie’s Chief Insurance Officer Bobbie Collies was recently on the We Are InsurTech Women podcast. Listen now.
The First 100
Coterie CEO David McFarland was recently a guest on the First 100 podcast. Take a listen.
Growth & Scaling Podcast
Coterie’s CFO Marc Frenel was recently on the Growth & Scaling podcast. Check it out.
Vertafore Insurance Podcast
Coterie’s VP of Digital Distribution Becky Monfre was recently on the Vertafore Insurance podcast. Listen now.
Bobbie Collies on FNO Insuretech Podcast
Take a listen.
Insurtech Rap
David McFarland and Bobbie Collies recently joined Insurtech Rap to talk all things Coterie. Listen now.