Confused About Business Insurance Companies? Here’s How to Find the Right One 

Imagine this: you’ve poured your heart and soul into building your dream business. But what if unforeseen events threaten to derail everything you’ve worked so hard for?  That’s where business insurance comes in. It’s a safety net that protects your small business from financial disasters. But with so many options, sifting through business insurance companies can […]

Coterie Coverage Deep Dive: Insurance for Real Estate Agencies

Real estate agencies are in the business of facilitating transactions that involve significant financial and legal implications. Whether they’re assisting clients in buying, selling, or leasing properties, their operations expose the business to various risks that could result in financial losses or legal liabilities. That’s why insurance experts like you need to understand the insurance […]

5 Essential Spring Weather Safety Tips for Small Businesses 

As an insurance agent or broker, you play a critical role in helping your small business clients prepare for the risks associated with extreme spring weather. In this article, we’ll provide spring weather safety tips to help your small business clients prepare for and minimize the risks associated with extreme weather.  It’s important to start by […]

Safeguarding Retail Ventures: Insurance for Convenience Stores  

Convenience stores play a crucial role in meeting the immediate needs of customers on the go. With an average 4.2% growth in the number of convenience stores over the past five years this industry represents a significant opportunity for insurance agents and brokers. However, it’s essential to understand the unique risks associated with this retail sector. […]

Spotless Operations: A Deep Dive into Insurance for Cleaning Businesses

In the ever-evolving landscape of small service-based businesses like janitorial or professional cleaning services, the challenges faced today are both diverse and demanding. As of 2022, there were over 1.1 million janitorial services businesses in the U.S., an increase of 6.9% from 2021. For dedicated insurance agents and brokers who specialize in this sector, it […]

Stay Ahead of the Freeze: 6 Ways to Winterize Your Small Business Now

Winter may bring a busy holiday shopping season for many small businesses but it can also bring extreme temperatures. That’s why preparation for this brutal season that can quickly cause long-term and expensive damage to your business property can never start early enough. In this blog post, we’re going to share 6 ways you can winterize your small […]

Promote Insurance Agency Growth with Coterie’s Find An Agent Page

So, you have a Coterie Find an Agent page? Congratulations! However, you may now be wondering – what can I do to make the most out of this program and enable my insurance agency growth?   As a commercial insurance agent, you have a valuable opportunity to connect with small businesses seeking your expertise. It […]

Securing Success: A Guide to Pressure Washing Business Insurance

As a savvy insurance professional, your expertise in navigating the nuanced risks faced by pressure washing contractors can make all the difference. These artisan contractors play a vital role in rejuvenating structures using high-pressure water. However, this transformative process introduces a range of unique risks, underscoring the critical need for tailor-made insurance coverage. Dive into […]

Safeguarding Smiles: Insurance Coverage for Dental Offices 

With over 180,000 dental offices in the U.S., these types of businesses make up a significant portion of the medical professional industry. Running a dental office requires a delicate balance between delivering exceptional care and maintaining profitability. In the pursuit of these goals, dental professionals face an array of risks that could impact their practice’s […]

What Are Essential Insurance Coverages for Home Inspection Businesses? 

For home inspection businesses, having the right insurance coverage is essential. Not only does it protect the business from unexpected liabilities, but it also instills confidence in clients and partners. Insurance agents and brokers play a pivotal role in guiding home inspectors through the complexities of insurance. In this article, we’ll explore how insurance agents […]

How Can Insurance Agents Help with Wildfire Risk Management for Small Businesses? 

Wildfires pose a significant threat to businesses, with their devastating potential increasing over the years. As wildfire seasons become longer and more destructive, businesses, especially those in high-risk areas, must take proactive measures to safeguard their assets, operations, and communities. In this article, we will explore the dangers of wildfires, their potential impact on businesses, […]

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