Coterie Insurance recently launched our newest Dashboard, which uses a data-powered underwriting engine to intelligently analyze risk and generate coverage recommendations to provide an instant business insurance experience.
By providing just the business name and address, Coterie pulls from publicly available data sources to answer our own underwriting questions. You validate or edit and get a bindable quote – in just a couple of minutes. See for yourself:
Selling commercial insurance has a history of being complex, with complex and time-consuming underwriting processes full of back and forth to answer simple questions.

Now, the process is easier than ever with our small commercial insurance solution. Coterie does this by pulling data from publicly available sources to prefill the necessary information to underwrite the business.
Learn more:
- Hear directly from our underwriting experts at Coterie in our introductory webinar.
- Have questions about the ins and outs of the new experience? Our downloadable fact sheet and FAQs will help explain more.
- A downloadable snapshot of what Coterie does for agents and brokers is available here.
Login now and start a quote. If you want to try Coterie and are not yet affiliated with Coterie, go here.