It isn’t uncommon for businesses to experience property loss. Whether small or large, loss will most likely happen at some point in the lifetime of a business. Most businesses have some type of property that is used in the operation of the business. But how do you determine the type of business property and its […]
5 Things Freelancers and Small Business Owners Need to Know to Secure Their Businesses
Small businesses and the small business owners leading them are the lifeblood of the American economy, making up 99.9 percent of all businesses in the United States, according to the Small Business Administration. As a freelancer or small business owner, you know how much effort, energy, and work has gone into starting and running your […]
General Liability Exposures Your Small Business Needs to Know
Almost every organization faces general liability exposures. A liability loss exposure is a condition or situation that presents the possibility of an organization becoming legally and financially responsible for injury, harm or damage to another party. These exposures stem from the kind of work an organization performs and where that work is executed. They also […]
Top Questions We Get Asked About Small Business Insurance (and Answers, Too)
Small business insurance is complex which is why Coterie Insurance believes in connecting small businesses with the expertise of a licensed insurance agent or broker. That said, before you reach out to speak to someone, you likely have some more general questions about small business insurance. Check out the top questions we receive about small […]
Find an Agent Small Business Insurance Help is Just a Click Away
Small business risk is complex. The hassle of being able to find an agent for small business insurance may seem like just another to-do item on your list. Trying to get insurance coverage for your small business isn’t easy. You might have logged onto a site to get your own quote and then realized, there’s […]
Understanding the Care, Custody or Control General Liability Exclusion
General liability (GL) policies often have a care, custody, or control (CCC) exclusion written into them. In simple terms, this means that if you take possession of someone else’s property and the property is damaged while in your possession, your insurer could deny the damage claim based on the CCC exclusion. Defining Care, Custody and […]
Professional Liability Covers Risks from Technology Errors and Omissions
Every business has unique risks that can seriously harm its operations if not properly addressed. As a business utilizing technology to produce and deliver products or services, it’s important to recognize and take precautions against risks that your commercial general liability (GL) coverage doesn’t include. Professional liability coverage, also referred to as errors and omissions […]
Five Reasons Independent Insurance Agents are Key to Small Business Success
Fire, weather, crime, negligence, bad luck—accidents come in every shape and size. Insurance carriers are fond of saying they protect you from such mayhem. In reality, small business insurance protects your financial investment, funding your ability to recover from a loss and get back to the business of running your business. No one knows more […]
How Much Does Small Business Insurance Cost?
A record 5.2 million people took the leap into small business ownership last year. Like you, each one faced important questions, not only about their products or services, but about how they will manage their risk. Who needs insurance and what kind? Where can you find a policy that fits your needs? And how much […]
Subrogation Waivers: The Risky Business of Risk Transfer
Subrogation is a process that insurance carriers use to respond quickly when you, the policyholder, suffer damage caused by someone else. Through subrogation, your insurance carrier steps into your shoes, pays for your damages up front, and then seeks reimbursement of the claim costs from the at-fault party. Problems arise when small business owners sign […]
4 Tips for Smart Small Business Insurance Shopping
Running your own business includes a host of responsibilities from everything from operations to HR. It also means learning a lot along the way, including small business insurance shopping. When it comes to choosing the right insurance for your small business, it can be confusing to know where to start. To help you navigate purchasing […]
Employee or Independent Contractor? 10 Ways to Tell
It’s critical to know if someone you’re hiring would be considered an employee or an independent contractor. Why? This determines responsibility for medical bills or lost wages if they get injured on the job. This is also important when determining what type of insurance coverages you need, whether independent contractor insurance or another policy. Learn […]