The Shift is Here — Your Digital Business

By Derkia Thomas, Thryv Digital transformation is at the top of just about every business’s conversations. The COVID shutdown forced a digital shift nearly overnight, and since then it’s been clear that this was the neglected element in business growth. The truth is, in 2021, if you’re not online, you’re doing your business a disservice. […]

What is Independent Contractor Insurance?

What would happen if a client or customer filed suit against you and your business? As a contractor, you’re exposed to more risks than you would be as an employee. Without adequate Independent Contractor insurance, mistakes, disasters, and lawsuits could leave you bankrupt and out of business, bringing an end to all of your hard […]

What is General Liability Insurance?

Insurance 101 Video: What would happen to your small business if a customer slipped on the floor and injured themselves, or an on-site mishap ruined your client’s property? Chances are you’d be sued for damages. Without sufficient revenue or savings, you’d be on the hook for up to millions of dollars in compensation — unless […]

What is Professional Liability Insurance?

Insurance 101 Video: To err is human. Even professionals with the best intentions can slip up, have a lapse in judgment, or simply forget something. Unfortunately, such mistakes can be costly to your clients and customers, leaving you liable for upwards of millions of dollars in legal fees and damages. Professional liability insurance can help […]

What is a Business Owners Policy?

Insurance 101 Video: What is a Business Owners Policy? You’ve worked hard to start and grow your small business and know insurance can protect all your hard work. The problem is: comprehensive coverage requires a multitude of different policies — unless you purchase a Business Owners Policy. Think of all the things that make up […]

How do small business insurance services work?

Insurance 101 Video: Insurance is a method of sharing risk, in which each member of a group pays a small amount of money each month or year in return for protection from larger and unexpected financial perils. But how does small business insurance and in turn, business insurance services work? Small business insurance services function […]

Getting to Know Your Business Insurance Certificate

As a freelancer, you probably get asked for a Certificate of Insurance all the time. You might wonder “what is a business insurance certificate and why do I need it?” This article will tell you everything you need to know about Certificates of Insurance. What is a business insurance certificate? A Certificate of Insurance (COI) […]

You Don’t Have to be a Millionaire to Get Sued Like One

You’re about to land a big contract and your potential client asks you to provide proof of at least $1,000,000 in General Liability insurance? Suddenly you find yourself in a situation where insurance went from something you hadn’t really thought about to something you need. How much do I need? Why do they care if […]

4 Insurance FAQs for Freelancers

There is a lot to be said about being your own boss. But there are also plenty of challenges. When you’re a freelancer you have to manage and maintain every aspect of your business, including insurance. Business Insurance can be complicated. This article is designed to help answer some of the most common questions freelancers […]

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