
Social Media Marketing for Insurance Agents: Hashtags and other helpful tools on Instagram

social media tips

 “I just don’t see how social media will help me reach my ideal audience.”

Social Media platforms have search engine capabilities, as well as the ability for posts and profiles to be indexed on Google, too. In this post, we’ll share tips on social media marketing for insurance agents: Hashtags, locations, topics (brand new release in October 2022) and tagging are great tools to not just help your content be found but also for you to discover content to engage with** (like, comment & share).

**ENGAGEMENT: Content is important but being social (aka engaging with users) is one of the main purposes of social media.

The Algorithm:

The Instagram algorithm is continually being updated. It changes often, but the focus is always to show users the content they want to see based on what they are regularly engaging with.  
Sometimes, this means they will favor certain content over others. For example, Reels are favorable vs photos, but it does not mean that your photo content will not be pushed to feeds.

The Myths:

Raise your hand if you have read articles with prompts like “you must do this to succeed on Instagram” or “do x to get 1,000 followers”. It’s easy to be pulled into these headlines, but your strategy is your own and you decide what success looks like for your social media platforms. 

Here are 5 myths to delete from your memory:

1. “Posting multiple times a day is the only way to be successful.” 
2. “If I don’t have thousands of followers, my content isn’t being seen.” 
3. “You can’t convert leads without running social media ads.” 
4. “My audience isn’t on social media.” 
5. “Hashtags don’t work anymore.” 

Where to Start with Hashtags, Locations, Topics and Tagging on your Instagram content:

Join our Facebook Group for a free content organizer that will help you layout your favorite hashtags. 
When it’s time to publish a post (Reel, video, photo, carousel), here are Questions to think about:

1. Is this content I want to have a limited number of eyes on? (AKA: Are hashtags important to be included in this post?) 

2. Does it make sense to add a location to my post (Would it add value?) 

3. Are there people that should be tagged in this post to either give them credit, show their involvement in some capacity, or bring the content to their attention? 

4. What 3 topics should I add to the post?  

Important: Topics are found in the caption area of the post either underneath or above the prompt to tag people. If you do not see it, make sure your app is updated. If that does not work, do not worry, because the feature is still being rolled out.

Using the best hashtags:  

Always ask, “What is my content about?” and “Who am I trying to reach?” 
These 2 questions will help you determine what hashtags you want your content to be associated with.  
If it’s easier to remember when and why to use hashtags, think of them as “searchable categories”. If you are posting about small business insurance tips, what categories do you think you should use so your post can be seen by people that would find your tips helpful?  

Let’s brainstorm.  

You can use:  
#newbusinessowner #smallbusinessowner #insurancetips #businessownerspolicy 
Take note: as you place these into your caption, Instagram will show you how many times this hashtag has been used. Finding hashtags with “1,000+” or “1,000-10,000” are great options. However, there are some hashtags like “#instagood” that get 100s of posts per minute that won’t help your content be seen by a valued consumer. 

Why Would You Use a Location or Tag another Profile:  


If you are trying to reach individuals in a particular location, you should put a city and state location. You do not always have to do this but let’s say you are an independent agent that only serves the state of New Jersey, it would make sense to put the location as “New Jersey” on “sales” posts. Always use your best judgment for this. You do not need to overthink how to use these tools. 

Tagging profiles:  

Are you posting collaborative content? Shout-outs to team members? Testimonials from clients and their businesses? If you are, this content is perfect to use the tagging feature that Instagram has.  If the business owner that wrote a testimonial for you has a business profile on Instagram you should tag them! You can even message them on Instagram asking them to share the post!

Using Hashtags & Locations to engage with users: 

The reason you use hashtags and locations is so your content can be found by your ideal client, individuals that could use your services, or someone that needs the education you are providing. So, let’s reverse it, and find people to engage with based on hashtags they would use to reach their ideal client.

 For example: If you want to engage with small businesses or small business owner profiles, put yourself in their shoes. What hashtags would they use?
For a yoga studio located in Philadelphia, PA, they could use:  
#phillyyoga or #yogainphilly 
What about a real estate agent in Nashville, TN:  
#nashvillehome #homesweetnashville  
Once you find the perfect hashtags, search them on your Instagram profile, and make sure you are on the “recent” tab after you search the hashtag. Once there, you can like, comment, and even follow accounts on this page. 

Let’s get social!  

Here are some other articles to reference regarding social media marketing:  
1. Social Media Tips for Insurance Agents: The Basics 
2. Social Media Tips for Insurance Agents: Choosing the Right Platforms 
3. YouTube Video- How to Succeed with Social Media  
4. Coterie Insurance Podcast, And I Quote: Episode with Vianey Butterfield, Insurance agency owner of Butterfield Insurance in Florida 

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