Local business insurance options – currently in all 50 states

Coterie Insurance provides local business insurance sold by America’s independent agents and brokers.

We’re proud to work with incredible agents and brokers in all 50 states. Watch for more state-specific resources coming soon!

Learn more about Coterie’s appetite in your state with our digital appetite guide.

Empowering Agents with State-Specific Insurance Expertise

As an insurance agent, your expertise in guiding small businesses through their state-specific insurance needs is invaluable. Whether aiding a startup in New York or a family-owned business in Montana, your tailored solutions are crucial.

Understanding the unique challenges and opportunities in each state’s insurance landscape is key. From liability coverage in Colorado to property insurance in Pennsylvania, your knowledge helps businesses navigate these complexities.

Providing clear, digital guides to state-specific policies empowers you to make informed recommendations confidently. As new resources become available, you’ll stay ahead in the insurance field, ready to assist your clients effectively.

Your comprehensive understanding of the diverse insurance needs across the 50 states enables you to safeguard your clients’ businesses against the unexpected. Your expertise is their peace of mind, built on a foundation of thorough understanding and customized solutions.

Agents & Brokers

Let's Work Together

Small Businesses

Policyholder Help Center

At Coterie, we are putting relationships at the forefront of small business insurance.

If you have any questions, Contact Us Today!