Your livelihood is dependent on the survival of your business, so it’s critical that you protect it against any potential threat—big or small. For instance, a fire could destroy your business’s warehouse and the contents inside, or a burst frozen pipe could damage important documents and valuable papers. Worse, you could have trouble paying your employees during a […]
The Economy and Your Business Liability
As we experienced in 2008 and more recently with the 2020 pandemic, an economic downturn often strikes worry among business owners and their employees in virtually every industry. Even companies that escape tough times relatively unharmed could still fall into the trap of uninsured business liability risks for the long term. To help, Coterie Insurance […]
Writing Small Business Risk: Driving Personal Car for Business Use
There are many situations in which an employee or owner would drive their personal car for business use, task or activity: travel between worksites, client visits, transportation of clients, travel home from work-related events and even quick stops to pick up food for a meeting. While it may seem innocent, it is important to consider the risks that are assumed in these everyday occurrences. Driving a personal car […]
What is General Liability Coverage?
Obtaining the right insurance is the first step in protecting your small business. The only way to effectively protect the assets of your business is to have adequate general liability coverage, also known as a GL policy. General liability coverage protects your business from damages caused by bodily injury or property damage for which your business […]
What is a Business Owners Policy (BOP)?
Small business owners have a lot to consider when choosing insurance that fully protects their business. One coverage option, a business owners policy (BOP), can take the guesswork out of the process. A BOP bundles several types of coverage in one package, similar to the way a homeowners policy works, but instead is designed for […]
Five Ways to Protect Your Online Business
These days, the internet can be just as dangerous of a place as the real world. However, there are plenty of opportunities to better protect your online business from hackers and other potential threats from two-factor authentication to high security Wi-Fi connection. Small online businesses have become increasingly popular over the past decade, empowering individuals to take a passion and turn it […]
Does Your Business Need Liquor Liability Coverage?
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), approximately 10,000 vehicle-related fatalities involve a drunk driver each year. Not only are these people liable for their actions, the establishments where they were drinking are also susceptible to punishment for over-serving clientele who then injure a third party. These types of lawsuits are not inexpensive. […]
Your Small Business Insurance Claim with Coterie Insurance
Life happens – the front window of your shop breaks or a pipe bursts in your storage room, damaging a significant portion of your product. Whether it’s a simple fix or a major problem, incidents like these can affect your business’ operations. When life happens – and it inevitably will – you can work with your insurance provider to file a […]
Everything You Need for a Successful Small Business Saturday
Who doesn’t get excited for the holiday season? Gift giving, seasonal baked goods, and, most importantly, Small Business Saturday! We want to help small businesses like yours prepare for this exciting time by sharing a few key resources and tips to have a successful holiday season. Get your windows ready, promotions set, and an action […]
6 Ways to Prepare Your Small Business for Winter
Winter may seem far enough away now but being prepared for this brutal season that can quickly cause long-term and expensive damage to your property can never start early enough. In this blog post, we’re going to share 6 ways you can prepare your small business for winter while there’s still time. Does your business’ eaves collect icicles during the winter? […]
Coterie Insurance Now Offers Damage to Premises Rented to You
We’re thrilled to now offer what you’ve been long asking for – damage to premises rented to you! With this optional coverage, you can now provide small businesses with expanded coverage through our general liability policies. What is damage to Premises rented to you? This coverage provides protection against claims made by a tenant for […]
Understanding Non-Owned and Hired Automobile Liability Coverage
Does your business have potential automobile loss exposures that you are not aware of? You’ve taken all of the necessary steps to ensure that your own fleet operation is properly covered in the event of an accident. But what about the potential loss that arises from individual employees who operate their own personal vehicles for […]